
The Charm of Burlap and Beams 

The grounds of Burlap and Beams contain a gracious farmhouse, a cluster of barns, a babbling brook and a breathtaking mountain. When viewing the property for the first time you can see why the original owners chose this spot to build their lives. The authenticity and charm of these structures has been painstakingly maintained and guarded since 1965.

The Main House

Burlap and Beams is located at the site of what is believed to be the earliest hotel in Thurman, NY.  The house later become a fine family farm, home to Orley and Susie Needham and their children. Most recently, it was entrusted to the care of Terri and .... Larson, who lovingly maintain the history of the home while sharing the beauty of the barns for your special day.

The Barns

242 Cameron Road
Thurman, NY 


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